Do you respond to the curiosity of children in schools that can't be ranked?
After the emergency declaration was released, the number of ways to be invited to elementary schools as instructors in the running classroom.The children of all schools are learning seriously and seriously.This time, I will write based on the story from the school teacher.
To be honest, when the teachers make classes, they seem to be not good at it.It seems that the difference in the creativity of physical education classes tends to increase compared to classes in classrooms such as Japanese language and arithmetic.The teacher is also a person.I knew the actual situation in the universal.
In particular, running tends to be able to proceed with the quota such as "run around ○" and "run for a minute", and there are limited children who can enjoy it without ingenuity.
For example, instead of just strong running, just connecting multiple movements and giving a story, such as "Twist Jump → Running 30 meters with a flute, skipped", it can be changed by connecting multiple movements and giving it a story.increase.
There is also a practice method called "deformation dash".Instead of a normal start posture (position), it is a practice to wait in an irregular position such as prone, push -up posture, backward physical education sitting, etc., and responds to the sound of the whistle.These can be expected to be sensitive to how quickly you can get your posture and start running from inefficient positions.I hope it will be a class that reflects colorful programs in safety first.
"Enjoy" rather than "compete" is an elementary school education guideline
In the coming season, classes like school marathons will increase.In my elementary school days, I remember running around the schoolyard and going around the ranking, competing for the ranking, so I ran with the enthusiasm that all members were delayed.
In recent years, it has changed to an educational guideline called "enjoying running", and it seems that "competing for ranking" is supposed to be after junior high school.
From such a background, there are many schools that are performed in the format of "○ minutes running" that ends the same regardless of the pace at any pace.Some of them seem to be performing BGM every minute, such as switching BGM.
There is an elementary school child, and when I hear the story, it starts with multiple places in the truck, and stops after a fixed time (3 minutes in lower grades, 4 minutes in junior high school, 5 minutes in the upper grades).It is done by the method of remembering the distance.He knows the distance he ran, but he doesn't know his ranking.
Here, let me explain your image of "What kind of person is you?" And the relationship between "self -concept" and "sports"."Self -concept" is located at the core of personality and greatly affects the person's actions.In childhood, it appears as a "physical self" that distinguishes "your body" and other things, and in childhood it begins to differentiate into "athletic region", "cognitive area", and "social area".In childhood, "emotional area" is added.Furthermore, as the age increases, "moral regions" and "professional areas" are added during adolescence.I think it is related to the change in friendship with age.
Until childhood, the area that makes up the concept of self -concept is simple, so the relationship with the exercise is closely related, and with the experience of "exercising" and "accomplished", there is an exercise that "I can do it if I do it".You will be able to have a sense of Noh, you will also be exercising, and will lead to a virtuous cycle that indicates aggressiveness and coordination.In contrast, overlapping experience at this time can lead to a sense of power of exercise.It also leads to the dislike of exercise, inferiority, and the passability of behavior.It seems that there is a possibility of falling into such a vicious cycle.
From this idea, it is preferable to emphasize and praise the person's efforts and processes.Since the concept of abilities and efforts is not differentiated during childhood, the evaluation of efforts has the same meaning as the evaluation of abilities.In other words, if effort is recognized in an assignment -oriented atmosphere, it will be the same as the ability to be evaluated, and even if you are not good at it, it seems that you will be able to increase your ability (Reference: The Japan Sports Association of the Sports Association."Certified sports instructor training textbook").
Education in which the loser becomes a "good loser" is also important
By the way, adults will decide on their own and participate in the marathon, but what are your values?Before lining, I saw runners aiming for time and good ranking, and at the end of the runner, "I want to use the time limit and enjoy the course."Various values coexist, such as runners running in disguise, runners who enjoy with family and friends, and they are operated without being damaged by each other's manners.
In the school marathon, you can understand the idea that forcing a "race" does not cause self -concept damage or sacrifice.On the other hand, I feel sorry for the fact that the children who want to know how fast they are and want to compete seriously.
If you set up a "challenge to coach" to end your classroom and recruit volunteers, the participating children will be requested to "run seriously without any help."The children who go to the cheering side are enthusiastic without running.I want to look at this energy.
The other day I came across the words, "The champion is praised because the losers were serious."I think it is important to praise the winners, yearn, and make the loser a good loser.
Rather than being "enjoyed" on the front, as a result of finding each value and immersed in it, the sense of "fun" is obtained.What if I dare to recognize the order?
On the other hand, if it is unified because it is "running for a minute", I may be inclined to the lower quality of getting out of time until it is time.
I think it is impossible to rely on school education.Nippon Runners is also working on what Nippon Runners can do as a sports NPO, hoping that the environment where each values can face running will be familiar as a "regional sports club" and "local tournament".
Finally, the child will work with tremendous curiosity for the clear goal of walking to XX station, going around the lake and swamps, and aiming for the summit, rather than turning around the same place.I think you will be wrapped in such a realistic sense of accomplishment, "How long you can walk with your feet."Why don't you have such a time for your family?
さいとう・たろう 1974年生まれ。国学院久我山高―早大。リクルートRCコーチ時代にシドニー五輪代表選手を指導。2002年からNPO法人ニッポンランナーズ(千葉県佐倉市)ヘッドコーチ、19年理事長に就任。走り方、歩き方、ストレッチ法など体の動きのツボを押さえたうえでの指導に定評がある。300人を超える会員を指導するかたわら、国際サッカー連盟(FIFA)ランニングインストラクターとして、各国のレフェリーにも走り方を講習している。「骨盤、肩甲骨、姿勢」の3要素を重視しており、その頭の文字をとった「こけし走り」を提唱。エッセンシャル・マネジメント・スクール特別研究員。著書に「こけし走り」(池田書店)、「42.195KM トレーニング編」(フリースペース)、「みんなのマラソン練習365」(ベースボール・マガジン社)、「ランニングと栄養の科学」(新星出版社)など。