Still active!Home fax penetration rate is higher than TV game consoles ...
FAX is increasingly considered "past relics".
In some cases, NHK was recruiting a message to the players by fax, and some voices said, "Why dare in 2021?"
FAX household penetration rate is "30 %"
総務省の令和2年(2020年)の通信動向調査によると、2020年(令和2年)時点で、FAXの世帯普及率は33.6%。3軒に1軒が持っている計算です。この普及率、タブレット端末の普及率(38.7 %), the penetration rate of home TV game consoles (29).8%)のちょうど間に位置します。
Fax, what are you using for?
Many families say, "I've been using it somehow because I've been there for a while," but some families say, "I bought a new one recently."
It is exchange with elementary schools, government offices, and hospitals.Some government offices used faxes as active, and there were voices saying that it was essential to interact with public schools and nursing facilities.
There was a joke -like story that "only online seminar participation is fax."
Isn't it only in Japan?
Houston's public health authorities have received 1,000 faxes a day for new Coronavirus -related reports, and they are struggling to respond.
It seems that hundreds of faxes have been scattered throughout the floor.
NHK "FAX is easy to express the viewer's feelings"
When I asked the public relations department again why NHK accepted a message to the players by fax, it was such an answer.
It is fulfilling.In addition, complex manufacturers such as brother mainly use FAX functions for business use for business use, and in some cases it is introduced at home.