Future learning (virtual and reality) in the Society 5.0 era Infocom Newsletter Protection of customer information
What will happen to future education?The main character of elementary school teachers who are celebrating their 30th year this year, "Society 5.I want to imagine the near -future educational site in the 0 era.
Wake up at 6:00 in the morning, eat breakfast, and head to school as usual.It's the same everyday.
When I arrived at school, I sat on the staff's desk as usual and started preparing for classes.At that moment, I felt uncomfortable.Something is different from usual.First, I noticed that there was no attendance on my usual death crack.There is no death crack in the first place.And there are no textbooks or writing utensils.Only tablets and touch pens are on the desk.
What happened?What is different from the staff room until yesterday.No, it's too different.
Does the teachers around you feel any change?I started heading to the classroom one after another with one hand with a tablet.
Speaking of which, a few weeks ago, I remembered that the principal said, "All future classes and school management will be digitized.
Yes, all the schools are digitized.
I went to the classroom, feeling confused.When I arrived in the classroom, I doubted my eyes, there was no blackboard, and instead there was a big screen, there were 35 children being projected.The children went to school, but were supposed to take classes at any place.Unfortunately, no children took my class in the classroom.
The tablet screen shows a list of digital textbooks and auxiliary teaching materials stored in the cloud.Access with ID and face authentication.Children select classes from the tablet screen and enter the classroom on the Internet.
I guess the world of such an educational scene will come soon.
"Society 5."0" has been advocated, and five years have passed, and efforts have been developed by public and private sectors, and in the educational world, the introduction of digital textbooks and the GIGA school concept change.Initiatives accelerating are accelerating.
日本の未来にとって必要となる教育とは何か。本稿では、"Society 5.I would like to consider the future of education based on the national policy and science and technology trends in the realization of "0".
"Society 5.What is the society you aim for 0?
"Society 5.0」は、2016年に「第5期科学技術基本計画」[1]で提唱された。サイバー空間(仮想空間)とフィジカル空間(現実空間)を高度に融合されたシステムにより、経済発展と社会的課題の解決を両立する、「人間中心の世界」で、我が国が目指すべき未来社会と位置付けられている。
2021年3月に閣議決定された「第6期科学技術・イノベーション基本計画」[2]においても、一人ひとりが多様な幸せ(well-being)を実現できる社会として、引き続き、取り組んでいくことが明示されている。さらに、Society 4.It has been pointed out that the limit of the limit of 0 (information society) and delay in response to digitalization have been pointed out, and specific measures have been presented for realization.
また、"Society 5.In order to realize 0 ", the importance of platform construction, database development, basic technology (AI, IoT, big data processing technology, etc.) is shown, and 5 g of the technology that supports them.・ Expectations for maintenance are high, and demonstration including local 5G is being conducted.
教育界においても、2018年、文部科学省は、"Society 5.0に向けた人材育成~社会が変わる、学びが変わる~」[13]を取りまとめ、Society 5.In 0, the image of the human resources required, the way of learning, the measures to be tackled, etc. were shown.
Other than the education world, as a related measure, measures such as digital government execution plan, super city smart city concept, prefectural public -private data utilization promotion plan, local government digital transformation (DX) promotion plan, DX in the industry, and so on.It is being launched.
However, local governments and general companies have heard confusion and anxiety, such as what to do and what to do.
FIG. 1] Society5.0 Society (Source: Cabinet Office HP)
また、"Society 5."0" has a low awareness of the people, and as of 2019, the people who answered that they did not know 87..1%との結果[4]もあり、今後、関連施策の実行と国民への浸透を図っていくことが求められる。
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