[Utilization techniques to know and gain] 15 things that can be made in baking soda | Up to oil stains and children to care for children and jewelry care
[Utilization technique to know and gain] 15 things that can be baking soda
One of the essential items for natural cleaning and eco -cleaning is "baking soda".Easy and good cospa.And because it is natural cleaning, you can use it with confidence even in a house with a baby or pet.Natural cleaning enthusiasts will introduce 15 things that can have baking soda, from techniques that are useful for daily cleaning to important items such as jewelry and children toys.[See photos of this article]
What is baking soda?
The official name of "Baking soda" is "Soda bicarbonate".In English, it is called baking soda.Its ingredients are carbonated sodium, which is weak alkaline.It is divided into three types, "medicinal", "edible", and "industrial" in order of high purity.It is important to note that "industrial" ones have a low price and large capacity, but because the purity is low, it often causes rough hands."Edible" is recommended for daily cleaning.The point is that it is safe to say "edible", for example, even if a small child accidentally says it.
Get to know!?15 things that can have baking soda
1.Dirt removal of plastic containers] Have you ever experienced a "trace" left behind in a plastic container?It is recommended to wipe it with a clean sponge with baking soda, as the container will be clean.Also, if you soak in a mixed solution with 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 liter lukewarm water, it will remove persistent dirt.Why don't you consider investing in food containers that are more eco -friendly, such as enamel containers?[2.Refreshing the smell of the refrigerator.If you leave the baking soda box on the shelf, it will absorb odor.However, be careful as baking soda cannot catch everything.[3.Vegital blaze Wash] If you dissolve baking soda in water, you can remove dirt and wax coating on commercially available vegetables and fruits.Why don't you try it when you get vegetables and fruits that are cheaper even if you are inexpensive?When washing vegetables with baking soda, it is important to remember it because it is basically the basics.《Baking soda vegetable wash method》 Water is firmly tipped in a clean pot or bowl and add about 1 teaspoon of baking soda.(Adjust the amount of baking soda depending on the size of a pot or bowl.) Remove vegetables and fruits within 1 minute.(It is recommended to keep it in less than 1 minute because the vitamins will dissolve if you are immersed in the water contained in the baking soda for a long time.【Four.Kitchen's dirt removal] Natural cleaning freaks think that almost all the dirt in the kitchen can be handled with baking soda.Mix counter top, stainless steel sink, microwave oven, range hood, cooking utensils, etc. with water and wash it!When used for daily cleaning, it is recommended to make baking soda spray.<< How to make baking soda spray >> Add 1 tablespoon baking soda to 100 ml of lukewarm water.(However, be careful as hot water with 65 ° C or higher increases alkalinity) [5) [5).Deep lingering of ventilation fan] Baking soda is good at removing oil stains.When cleaning oil stains such as ventilation fan, baking soda paste is recommended.Rub the dirt with the baking soda paste introduced below, or put it on and remove it.The guide is 5 to 20 minutes.It is recommended to change it depending on the dirt."How to make baking soda paste" baking soda: Mix water at the ratio of [3: 1].We recommend adjusting to your favorite "hardness" according to the dirt.[6.Burning the pot] The bottom of the black pot is fine if there is baking soda.<< How to burn it down >> Add water and 2-3 teaspoon baking soda to the pan and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.When the temperature of the hot water drops, use a neutral detergent and wash it with a sponge.[7.Deodoring of the futon] In such a case, sprinkle with baking soda on the futon, leave it for about 15 minutes, and then suck it with a vacuum cleaner.Baking soda is useful not only for the futon, but also to erase the soft, cushioning place and the odor of concerned about things.If you have a cute pet, you can use baking soda to remove odor of pet beds.If you sprinkle 15 minutes after sprinkling, you may not have to see the guests frowning at the time of the visit.[8.Cleaning of toys] The baking soda spray introduced in 4 is also useful for children's important toys.Dust, mites, and rough hands may be prevented.I often use baking soda for cleaning stuffed animals.The baking soda sucks the dust.《Stuffed toy care》 Put 1 cup of baking soda in a large plastic bag with stuffed animals.Close the mouth of the bag, go outside and shake well.When you take it out of the bag, suck all with a vacuum cleaner.[9. クレヨンまみれの壁掃除】真っ白な壁に芸術が描かれてしまったおうちは、湿らせたスポンジに重曹を振って軽くこすってみて下さい。もちろん、小さな芸術家の承諾を得てから行うのをおすすめします。10. お風呂の皮脂汚れ】湯垢などお風呂の皮脂汚れにも重曹が役立ちます。ただし、お風呂の水垢との相性は重曹にそこまで期待できないので覚えておくのをおすすめします。桶や子どものお風呂おもちゃをつけ置きすると、ヌメリなどもきれいに落とせますよ。《お風呂のお掃除やり方》浴槽にお湯をはって、重曹を1カップほどいれ数時間そのままつけ置きする。つけ置きしてからブラシで擦る。11. 洋服の黄ばみや汚れケア】お洗濯の時に、重曹を1カップ加えると白物も色物も鮮やかに洗濯機から出てくるから気分が良くなること間違いなし!液体洗剤と一緒に使うことで、pHのバランスを整え、衣類をよりきれいに仕上げることができると言われています。12.排水口のつまりを解消】ヌメリやカビが気になる排水口掃除に役立つのが、「重曹とクエン酸」ペア。排水口に直接、重曹とクエン酸を振り掛け、発生する泡の力で汚れを落としに役立ちます。《排水口掃除のやり方》重曹を1/2カップ、クエン酸(もしくはお酢)1/2カップを排水口に流し込む。5分後、お湯で洗い流す。13. スニーカーのニオイ消し】体育の授業の後の靴の中、またジムバッグ…などとにかく汗のニオイが気になるアイテムに重曹を振りかけると、リフレッシュできます。靴を履く前に、重曹を叩き出すのは忘れないで下さいね。またカップや空きビンに入れフタを開けたまま置いておくと下駄箱や玄関のニオイも消臭できるのでおすすめです。14. テーブルの上に残った白い水滴の輪を除去】コースターを忘れてコーヒーテーブルの上に水滴が残ってしまったら、白いノンジェル歯磨き粉と重曹の出番です。以外とやりがちなのでこのテクニックを知っているとかなり役に立ちます。《水滴の輪を除去するやり方》白いノンジェル歯磨き粉と重曹を混ぜ合わせる。布を水で湿らせて、1を加えて、木目に沿ってこする。乾いた布で拭き取る。15.Make the dull jewelry brighten] It is not expensive, but if your favorite Stirling Silver does not shine, why not take care with baking soda paste?《How to do jewelry care》 Baking soda 3: Make water 1 paste to remove discoloration.Wipe it with a cloth that does not come out and rinses.(Paper towel is NG. It is scratched)
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