10 reasons for rooting Android
Speaking of Android, root is converted (rooted).
But why do you do a dangerous ROOT?He wrote a lot, saying, "Outside, self -responsibility, or paper, no one will take responsibility."If you are wondering, read this and feel refreshed.
Android is based on Linux kernels, so if you get ROOT (UNIX and Linux's highest -authority user account name), you will be able to access all file systems, customize the boot image, and backup all mobile phones.You can create or install Linux Distro.Even those who are not interested in such geeks have many benefits to rooting more familiar.
Recently, thanks to wise developers, we have also provided tools and procedures that can be easily routed by people with computer skills.
Android人気端末別にroot化手順を常時更新しているフォーラムもいくつかあります。・ Android forums
・ XDA-Developer Forums (Registration method-Japanese)
If you want to try ROOT authority right now, go to these forums, find your device, and follow the procedure.If you look at the past article, "How to Root Your Android Phone Without Bricking IT (how to route Android phones without bricking)" (English), you can see that it is not so difficult.
In Japanese, "Android terminal ROOT compatible table (list of root -based terminals and rootization methods)" is very helpful.If you have other easy -to -understand procedure explanation pages, please let us know the URL in the comments.
Reason 10. Broatware一掃
Broatware...So -called "garbage wear".It's an app that stands up without default.For terminals that use manufacturers' custom UIs such as Samsung Touchwiz, HTC Sense, and Motorola Motoblur, each manufacturer bundles the recommended apps on the standard Android.There are some useful applications, but there are many apps that are not used just because they are heavy, and there are some that you can't bother using the functions of the device, and most of them cannot be uninstalled!But, of course, you can uninstall if you get root.
Reason 9.Overkrocking (clock -up)
Android端末のrootをとると、一部ハードウェアコンポーネントへのアクセス権限も得られるので、オーバークロッキングもアンダークロッキングも思いのまま。1GHzのAndroidのCPUを1.6GHzまであげる、なんてことも割と普通にできます(不安定になるけど)。Android Marketにあるrootオンリーアプリ(ルート化した端末でのみ使えるアプリ)には、オーバークロッキングとアンダーヴォルティング(低電圧化)の両方ができるSetCPU(1.99ドル/169円、日本語評価)、Voltage Control(無料。エキストリーム版は3.36ドル、日本語評価)とかもあります。Reason 8.performance
Not just overclocking!The route that has been turned into a route can also play kernel to improve performance.This is the above -mentioned app, custom ROM, and your own method (advanced users), but if you do overclocking and double, it has been found that Nexus S will increase the performance by 250%.
Most Android terminals have secure files input and / out of EXT3 file systems, but many devices can upgrade to a faster EXT4 file system when routes.If you put EXT4, the stability of the storage will be slightly sacrificed, but the load time will be faster, and the overall performance will be smooth.Well, if the memory becomes unstable, the app will crash and the data will be lost....The probability of such a thing is extremely rare.
Reason 7.screenshot
なぜかグーグルはAndroid 4 Ice Cream Sandwich(ICS)が出るまでネイティブでスクリーンショット機能を装備していませんでした。追加搭載している端末もありますけどね(Xperiaも秋の2.3.4.から使えるようになった)。「ICSのアップデート、新端末購入まで待っちゃいられない!」という人はroot化してScreenshot(無料、日本語レビュー)やPicMe(日本語レビュー)を入れてみましょう。「そのためだけにroot化するなんて面倒くさ~」という人は400円の「No Root Screenshot It」でもいいけど。Reason 6.There are so many others!Route only app
If you root Android smartphones, hundreds and thousands of useful apps will be my!Here are 10 cases here.
• DroidWall - Android Firewall - (無料)データ使用中のアプリを全表示。要らないものは閉じて、パケ代節約。• Dual Mount SD Widget - (0.99ドル)SDカードをPCと携帯の両方同時にマウントできます。• Hexamob Recovery Pro - (1.39ドル) 内蔵メモリやSDカードからうっかり削除したファイルを回復。• Keyboard Manager -(無料) ポートレート(縦)とランドスケープ(横)、携帯の構え方ごとに別々のキーボードが割り当てられます。• LEDs Hack - (無料) LED通知(ノティフィケーション)を消すアプリ。夜、時計がわりに携帯使ってる人にはいいかも。• Root Call Blocker - (4.98ドル/無料トライアル版はここ)特定の電話番号をシステムレベルでブロックするので、着信しても電話が鳴らない!• Samba Filesharing - (無料) Wi-Fiで携帯とPCを繋いでファイル共有。Android端末のファイルもパソコンのWindows共有フォルダに出てきますよ。• Sixaxis Controller - (1.62ドル)PS3専用コントローラをAndroidにマウントしちゃえるアプリ。• With Theft Aware (無料)紛失・盗難時、遠隔からアクセスして携帯内の履歴やデータを消したり、相手に気付かれないまま端末を通して相手の行動をスパイできる超強力なセキュリティプログラム。サポート打ち切りになって、新製品「avast! Mobile Security」(無料)に移行するよう通知が出てますね。• Titanium Backup - root - (無料/Pro版は6.58ドル)root化したらこれ。最強バックアップツール。プリインアプリ(Broatware)も無効化できます。
Reason 5.Custom ROM
Among those who have a hobby of remodeling, there is a sense that "Android UI is considered as the business first of telephone companies and is not considered to be users first", and if you want the best user experience.It is said that it is the first custom ROM user.
Custom ROM is a customized UI for Android.You can choose what you like from many.There are things that can be imported before the carrier officially release the Android's latest update, and enhances the function, speed and stability of the extras.
There are so many types of remodeling that can't be covered here, but let's choose what is most important for you and the priority.Or Boot Manager (2).If you buy a $ 99), you can select what you like by simultaneously installing up to five kinds of custom ROMs on one device at the same time.
一番人気のカスタムROMとしては、パフォーマンスを最大に高めるCyanogenMod(テーマは選べる)も。これはGingerbreadベースで、撮影でTouch to Focus(タッチ・トゥ・フォーカス)機能が使えるほか、カスタムジェスチャー、パーミッション管理など多彩な機能が揃ってます。こちらはMIUI、中国の方が開発したROMです。これもGingerbreadベースで、異色のデザイン。執筆段階では対応機種はたった16種ですけど、毎週金曜日にアップデートが出ますので、ICSのROMがもっと安定してくるのに従って対応機種も増えていくのでは?
XDA-Developers Forums and THEUNLOCKR to find ROM.Find your model on the COM list.
Reason 4.Do an Android upgrade at your own pace
Leave it for more than a year with FROYO...By the time the GingerBread update is finally appeared from the career, the next ICS will come out, it is a mobile phone that I do not take.
Let's enjoy the latest Android OS at Android custom ROM.At the writing stage, the ROM of Android 4 ICS is already flying to the web.Although the operation is still unstable, it is faster to wait for this to work smoothly than to wait for ICS -compatible terminals and ICS updates.
Reason 3.Battery mochi
カスタムROMの中には、携帯の設定、アプリ、ネットワーク作業管理、Broatware削除で効率化図ってバッテリーもちを長くするROMも。ベータだけど、そのためのアプリ「Superpower」(無料/有料版は4.25ドル)もあります。rootとらなくても使えるアプリも数多ありますが、SuperPowerはエキストリームですよ。データ接続やら無線バンド、Wi-Fi、ブルートゥース、CPUスピードなどなど自動で管理できちゃうのです。で、この管理は画面の状態、Wi-Fi接続の状態、ダウンロード速度、前に出てるアプリ、テザリングの状態、スリープモード、充電状況など様々な要素を基に行います。ただしリスクも。ベータなのでバグもあるし、その辺は自己責任で、と開発者は呼びかけてますよ。Reason 2.Disable Carrier IQ
You already know why Carrier IQ is, which terminal is installed, and how each company is explained.
I say that Sprint is already stopped, but "How does Carrier IQ use the personal information secretly collected from your mobile phone?"The best thing is to remove it yourself.
外し方は、あのCarrier IQを最初に発見してデモ動画で暴露したトレヴォー・エッカート(Trevor Eckhart)さんが提供してます。彼がXDA-Developersフォーラムに投稿した無料アプリの「Logging Test App」を使えば、自端末にCarrier IQのようなプログラムが入ってるかどうかチェックできるんです。入ってる人はAndroid Marketに行って有料版「Logging Test App Pro Key」を買って、この現代のヒーローに99セントお小遣いを恵んでさしあげましょう。このプロ版でCarrier IQは外せます。他のプライバシー侵害ソフトも。もちろんAndroid端末をroot化してからじゃないと外せないけど。Reason 1.BECAUSE YOU CAN -I can do it
Because there is a mountain there, it is a motivation like that.The act of rooting the Android device has a sense of satisfaction and liberation that is similar to assembling a PC himself.Also, this is a difficult feeling, but is there something like a sense of responsibility?It is your own owner to make a middle finger in a manufacturer or career that does not do anything with good lip service.This is also your responsibility and privilege because you can get root.
Google has made Android open source.Thousands of people make an app, create ROMs, enjoy Android and have a chance to be the strongest smartphone.If you pass rooting, you will not be able to take advantage of these opportunities.
The car may not be a hobby, but imagine yourself to play Germany Outburns with Porsche Boxster, and the perfect road surface is in front of you.Do you keep it to 75Mph (120km / h)?Or is it an outburn, so you fly to 3 digit miles?
If you go to New Orleans for three consecutive holidays, you will walk in the bourbon steering plastic while drinking with a plastic cup....It's a city where you can do that.
Everyone who bought Android phones is 1) I am not familiar with smartphones at all, so I just chose a mobile phone that I could get for free if I made a plan contract, it looks like it looks, 2) the flexibility of Android that is not in other mobile OS.Did you buy it because you were attracted to the high degree of freedom to customize.Then Android has to root...Because I can do it.Not difficult.It's a little fun.It's like a stale romantic rice, and there may be a moment when I was looking for this while I was doing it.
Related: 10 things that have become convenient with ROOTED | Initial M
Maximum PC (original / satomi)