Let's play with black light!
UV lights are also used to find dirt and scratches.For example, human teeth, nails, blood and urine also glow with UV light, so you can find blood stains and urine stains with UV light irradiation.That means that the human body also contains fluorescent substances.When it comes to fluorescent substances, I think it's something dangerous, but that's not the case.In fact, the foods that are used everyday have fluorescent substances, and they are not harmful.There are some foods that shine unexpectedly when you irradiate UV lights ♪
Aside from that, interesting and practical is the discovery of dirt by UV light.You can find various dirt, such as traces of sebum dirt, body fluid, and traces of urine mentioned above.I found it too much and the cleaning is not over.Let's take a look at how scary things you can find ~ ♪
In addition, it seems that the UV light emits dirt, but it looks clear with Naze or naked eye, but most of the photos are difficult to see (there are cases where fluorescent dye is contained in the part where the dirt adheres.Because there are many).So, it is shown with a red arrow while applying stronger processing to the photo so that it can be seen better.
流し台付近。UVライトで照射すると点々とした汚れが見つかります。写真では1つですが、肉眼だと多々見えちゃってウンザリです。ベッドのシーツ。謎のシミが見つかってしまいました。即シーツ交換!カーテンの下端。落下した液体が付着した痕跡を発見。なんでしょう?トイレの便器下部。一見、汚くは見えませんが……UVライトで照らすと液体が流れた痕跡がいくつも。実際はもっとハッキリ、たくさん見えてしまって絶望的な気分です。たぶん洗剤や尿。温水洗浄便座のヒンジ部分。白とピンクに色分けされているような箇所は、恐らく洗剤を広範囲で拭き忘れた跡だと思います。上のピンク色は尿汚れかもしれません。手荒い用蛇口の上部で、この真上に手を拭くタオルがあります。ピンクに見える点々は全て汚れ。手を拭いた飛沫がここに落ちているものと思われます。In the photo, it is a "hidden dirt" that looks relatively plain, but with the naked eye, it looks quite clear and shocking.Seriously, I'm not dirty!When the toilet wall is illuminated ...!
It's very interesting, and the parts to be cleaned literally emerge, so it's a practical UV light utilization method.However, if you actually do it, you tend to be too surprised, "Is it dirty like this?"So, decide on your own or Yaranai.
Anyway, you can play in various ways, and a pretty practical UV light.Recently, LED type items have become easy to obtain.If you are interested, please try it while paying attention to how to use it.