If the internet of the house is slow, suspect "line, router, slave unit" and thoroughly investigate the cause of Wi-Fi & optical line (2)
Digital life
I can't imagine a life without Wi-Fi anymore.It is natural that laptops and smartphones are connected to the Internet at home or at work.Wi-Fi has become one of the life infrastructure.That's why the Wi-Fi communication speed is slow.Work is delayed, and precious entertainment can be ruined by stress.Why is my Wi-Fi slow?Following the last time, this part will elucidate the cause and show the solution path.
Wi-Fi is slow (1) Internet line (2) Wi-Fi router (3) Wi-Fi is often the case (Fig. 1).
図1 インターネットの通信速度が遅いときは、インターネット回線、Wi-Fiルーター、Wi-Fi子機のいずれかに問題がある。このパートでは、どこに問題があるかを順に確認していこうThe main cause is that the speed of the contract plan is slow on the Internet line.Be careful if you have contracted more than 10 years ago or subscribed to a plan that has been introduced in an apartment.
On the other hand, what Wi-Fi router has is the problem that the standard is old.Wi-Fi routers are less likely to break down because there are no driving parts such as HDDs and fans like personal computers.For this reason, many people have been using the same product for more than 10 years, but this is the Achilles tendon.Unexpectedly, the Wi-Fi router becomes outdated and is left behind in the speedy online world.
The same is true for Wi-Fi sliding aircraft provided by personal computers.With old standard slave units, high -speed communication cannot be expected.In addition, the usage environment has a great effect.If you leave the Wi-Fi router or have obstacles, the communication speed will decrease at a stretch.
When you watch videos for each family, you will be in a puncture state
The fundamental cause that Wi-Fi is slow is that the user-surrounding environment has changed.Wi-Fi communication loads in the home are increasing, as video services with a large amount of communication become widespread, and the number of slave units that access the master unit at the same time increases (Figure 2).
図2 普段は気にならないのに、4K動画の視聴やウェブ会議といった特定のシーンでネットの遅さを痛感することがある。また、夜になると通信速度が遅くなることもあるあわせて読みたいReview of Wi-Fi environment is high-speed and safety is mainstream
Wi-Fi Router Convenient Function If you connect multiple connections, use "6"
今週の人気記事 by MONO TRENDY1Windows 11にしない! 10をサポート切れまで使うワザDigital life2からまるケーブル 見た目の悪さを100均グッズで解消デジタル・フラッシュ3写真で紹介 100均ショップで買えるお得な充電グッズ写真特集4100均で買える充電グッズ ワイヤレス対応もお手ごろデジタル・フラッシュ5写真で紹介 100均ショップで厳選したスマホグッズ13選写真特集 次のページパソコンの通信状況をチェック1 2 次へ