From W3C / HTML5 to WhatWG / Living Standard, web development history
We don't have a day when we don't use web browsers on PCs and smartphones.In addition to reading a variety of articles, emails, music, videos, SNS, shopping, chatting, chatting, video conferences, and documents, you can now do many things that can be done on the OS on the web.In this special feature, we will explain the latest technologies of such Web.
On January 28, 2021, the HTML5, which was formulated by the W3C, was abolished, and the standard specification of HTML was "HTML Living Standard" managed by WhatWG (Web HyperText Application Technology Working Group) managed.Speaking of HTML, it was a W3C management, so many people would have been surprised.
HTML has since invented Tim Burner's Lee in 1989, and has moved the specification formula to standardized organizations such as IETF and W3C.Until now, the version number has been repeated, and the version number has disappeared in the latest latest specification HTML Living Standard.As the name suggests HTML Living Standard, the specifications will be updated and released each time.
HTML仕様策定の歴史[画像のクリックで拡大表示]WhatWG is an organization founded in 2004 by Apple, Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software in Norwegian.Looking at the situation at the time when the W3C promoted XML / XTHML, it was established with concern that the actual web developers were clearly ignored.
The latest version of HTML5 has been announced by the W3C for what WHATWG formulated.After that, the W3C and WhatWG, respectively, were developed to formulate their own HTML standard specifications.
However, many Web browsers have made Whatwg standard instead of W3C.Therefore, the W3C eventually abolished all the specifications of the HTML announced so far, and the HTML standard specification was developed by WhatWG.
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From an engineer on the next page site, it will be whatWG...