Buffalo, Wi-Fi6 compatible router of "TIGER & BUNNY 2" collaboration
バッファローは3月14日、Netflix独占配信アニメ「TIGER & BUNNY 2」とコラボしたWi-Fiルーター2製品を発表した。Amazon内の公式ストアで数量限定で予約を受け付け、5月中旬に発売する。価格は19,980円。
TIGER & BUNNYといえば、劇中に登場するヒーロー(キャラクター)の全身に実在企業のスポンサーロゴを付けるという「キャラクタープレイスメント」というユニークな仕組みで知られる。新作アニメの配信に向けてプレイスメント企業が一新され、バッファローは「ロックバイソン」というキャラクターを応援。彼の左肩にバッファローのロゴが入る。
The collaboration product is based on the Wi-Fi router "WSR-5400AX6S".We will prepare two types: the "Rockbison Model", which features a rock bison silhouette and logo, and the "HERO TV model", which is studded with the fictitious programs and corporate logo that appear in the work.
The basic specifications are common, which is equivalent to the normal WSR-5400AX6S.IEEE 802.Compatible with 11a/B/G/N/AC/AX (Wi-Fi6), the link speed is up to 4,803Mbps in the 5GHz band, 2.573Mbps in the 4GHz band.Comfortable comfortably, such as "OFDMA", which reduces waiting time when connecting a large number of equipment, "MU-MIMO" that can communicate at the same time, and "Wi-Fi EasyMesh", a mesh function that can cover the entire house by combining multiple compatible routers.It is a premium model that enhances the function of communicating.