Hackathon is a footprint creation.Aim for safe driving barrier -free
Many students are receiving awards in various fields every year at Institute of Engineering University, but are you interested in what kind of research you are actually doing?This time, we will focus on the back of the award, such as the content of the award and the daily research life.
Hackathon is a coined word that combines hack and marathon (Marathon), an event in which engineers and designers gather and gather with technology and knowledge, and intensively develop systems in a short period of time.Ito -san's team, who won the second place in an international tournament where domestic and overseas participants gathered.What kind of proposals did you make?please tell me!
So that you can drive safely without hearing your ears
“Sound direction”という、「聞こえなくても安全な運転」が出来るデバイスを考えました。聴覚障がい者や難聴の高齢者などは、音声による運転時の危険察知が難しい場合があります。この“Sound direction”では「音の方向」に着目し、デバイスが緊急車両を認識したときの音の方向と種類をモニターに示すことで、耳が聞こえなくても危険察知をすることが出来ます。具体的にはまず、車体の上部に取り付けられている4ウェイマイクで音を拾います。マイクが音を拾うと、位相差を調べて方向を推定します。そして、機械学習によって音を識別します。デバイスが音の種類と方向を分析した後、結果が出力され、ハンドルが振動すると同時に、モニターに緊急車両の種類と方向が表示されます。
――What was the opportunity to work on this theme and the interaction with the members?
Challenge with your friends in your specialty
メンバーの一人で、耳が聞こえない方が持っていた課題がきっかけです。補聴器をつけると、音は聞こえるものの、生活音や雑音など、耳が聞こえる人が気にならない音までうるさく聞こえ、かえって疲れてしまうのだそうです。今回、最も重要な音の1つである"サイレンの可視化"に注目することにしましたが、日常生活で音を用いた信号が予想以上に多く、視覚だけでは拾いきれない情報 ( 電話通知音、町中の車など周りの環境 ) にあふれていることに気づきました。今までの自分になかった知識・課題が多く得られ、とても面白かったです。
――You cooperated in your specialty and worked out the strategy.Why did you decide to participate in Hackathon?
Mono making x problem solving is interesting
My motivation is hobbies, footprints and experience.Hackathon is attractive because it can make practical things and solve problems.It is very difficult to find and prepare what is needed and what is needed.
――It is difficult to make proposals that meet social needs, but the joy of being evaluated and realized is a bit.By the way, what kind of research do you usually do?
―― From your usual research, Mr. Ito's thoughts on “making things for someone” have been conveyed.Once again, congratulations!
We will continue to interview students who have won various awards and interviews the awards and everyday research life.Look forward to the next update!