Optimal desktop PC selling well for work!2022/2/4
Lavie A23 (fine white)
According to the Daily Total Data from January 24 to 30, 2022, the actual sales ranking of desktop PCs was as follows. 1st place LAVIE A23 Fine White White A2335/CAW (NEC) 2nd place Mac mini Apple M1MGNR3J/A (Apple) 3rd FMV ESPRIMO FHFMVF90E2B (Fujitsu) 4th place LAVIE A23 Fine Black A2335/BAB (NEC) 5th Lavie /BAW (NEC) 6th place Icentre AIO350IF0EU00FRJP (Lenovo Japan) 7th place LAVIE A27A2797/CAB (NEC) 8th place Ideacentre AIO 360F0G10046JP (Lenovo Japan) 9th place IMAC Apple M1 Silver MGTF3J/AP (Apple Japan) Blue MJV93J/A (Apple) * "BCN Ranking" is a POS database that collects and aggregates actual sales data such as personal computers and digital home appliances from major home appliances and online shops nationwide. It covers about 40 % (in the case of a personal computer).