"Notepad" is not enough for text editing!Recommended for a comfortable editor life
"Edit text on Windows" is the standard "Notepad" (notepad.Many people will use EXE).
そんな「メモ帳」で大丈夫か? いや、問題だらけだ!However, many people may have thought or have trouble with the notepad.Because its function is limited to very basic.
Therefore, I would recommend the text editor.The point is that you can input texts comfortably, high -performance, with apps specialized in text input.
Therefore, this time, I summarized the points of the editor and the things that tend to be troubled when introducing the editor.You can use the free version if you are an individual, and if it is a paid version, the surprisingly high -performance text editor "EMEDITOR".
Please take this opportunity to think about "graduation from notepad".