I connected GeForce GTX 1080 to "GPD Win Max"
GPD's eight -inch gaming PC "Win Max" is expected to achieve crowdfunding goals and will be shipped to Indiegogo investors in July.In addition, it will be shipped from late August to mid -September from the sky, which is a authorized distributor in Japan.
This time, a sample equivalent to the final retail version borrowed from the sky is connected to the AKITIO Thunderbolt 3 connection GPU box "Node Titan", and the Node Titan is equipped with the Geforce GTX 1080.We verified usability and performed various 3D benchmarks.
The Win Max CPU is equipped with ICE LAKE generation Core i5-1035G7.The ICE LAKE generation tends to see the GPU performance that has been greatly improved, but the CPU core is a new generation of SUNNY COVE microar Kitakata, and the number of orders (IPC) per clock has improved.is.
Unfortunately, the 10nm process of Intel has not achieved a clock exceeding 4GHz, but according to the GPD, the Core i5-1035G7 is still the highest in the mainstream desktop Core i7-4790K.It is said to be realized.
In addition, the GPD Win Max has a Thunderbolt 3 port, and the external GPU can be connected.Combined with this high performance CPU, it claims that the performance of the external desktop GPU can be brought out.
GPDが公開しているCPU-Zによるベンチマーク結果。Core i7-4790K相当の性能だと謳っているThe Node Titan, which is used in combination, is a GPU box of Thunderbolt 3 with a handle at the top of the main unit, as already mentioned in the review.It has a built -in 650W power supply, can support high -end GPUs, and can supply 85W to PC itself.The capacity of 85W is short on a system that requires 100W, such as Razer Blade Stealth, but it can be used without any problems with Win Max.
When connecting an external GPU with Thunderbolt 3, instead of returning the video to Win Max using a limited band of PCI Express, it is better to connect the display to the display output on the external GPU side and output it.。However, if you play a game using a built -in controller with a built -in Win Max with this configuration, Win Max will be a mere heavy controller, so the "umami" of Win Max will be reduced by half.
For this reason, this time I dared to test it on a built -in display.In the Node Titan review, I tested it on an external display, so I would like to refer to it because it will be posted with that number, but it is good to be able to improve the performance a little more when connecting the external display.
In terms of results, the combination of Win Max and GeForce GTX 1080 is generally as expected.Since the Win Max liquid crystal is 1,280 x 800 dots, there are few bandwidth to transfer images rendered by external GPU to the built -in GPU, and there are fewer bottlenecks compared to the full HD system.It is ant to play on this display.
However, compared to the Core i7-6700K system that can bring out the GeForce GTX 1080 full, the performance is about 75%, and the limit of Thunderbolt 3 is considerably visible.Therefore, if you want to buy a GPU for Win Max, it would be safer to keep it around GeForce GTX 1660 TI or GeForce RTX 2060.
【グラフ1】3DMark Time Spy。このベンチは重い部類だが、内蔵GPUとは一線を画す性能となる【グラフ2】3DMark Fire Strikeの結果。内蔵GPUのじつに5倍のスコアを記録した【グラフ3】比較的軽量な3DMark Night Raidでは差がそこまで開かない。軽量な3Dゲームなら内蔵GPUでも十分にプレイ可能、ということだ【グラフ4】3DMark Sky Diverの結果。こちらもNight Raidと同じ傾向であるWith an external GPU actually connected, I installed and played large titles such as "Grand Seep Auto V", "Black Desert", "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", but the best graphics settings are the best graphics settings.It was confirmed that it could be played smoothly even in the state.
The problem is that the Win Max liquid crystal has only 1,280 x 800 dots, and the size of the 8 -inch is quite limited.For example, even a beautiful graphics with a lot of information, such as concrete and ground textures and plants, can be quite spoiled with Win Max.
Therefore, comparing the graphics between the "low" state and the "high" state, the edge of the shadow becomes finer, the expression of light becomes soft, and the depth expression of the field is often used.… I understand the difference, but if you say the difference in image quality dramatically, it's “no”.It is poor to enlarge a smartphone game on a 27 -inch screen, but it is the same principle that it looks beautiful for the smartphone itself.
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt。グラフィックス設定を最高にするとGTX 1080でも60fpsに届かず重い。しかし十分にプレイアブルだ。とはいえ、この解像度とサイズの液晶では、高と低の設定の違いはあまりわからないグランド・セフト・オートVではすべて高に設定しても60fps以上で動作可能。光の表現が若干柔らかくなり、車体への映り込みが目立つようになるので、ほかのタイトルに比べれば画質設定の違いがわかりやすい方だMMORPGの「黒い砂漠」は“リマスター”設定でもほぼ60fps。一時的に重いシーンで50fps前半となるが、プレイに支障はない。ただ、1,280×800ドットの8型では、プレイヤーを拡大表示しないかぎり、リマスターと従来の違いはわかりにくいIn addition, while playing the game in Thunderbolt 3, you cannot quickly pull out the cable and move, so there is no taste of Win Max where you can enjoy PC games in your favorite posture.Therefore, if a user who expects a game that makes use of Win Max's portability to enjoy the Thunderbolt 3 GPU box of around 40,000 yen and an additional 30,000 yen GPU, it will be no longer.I have to do it.
Thunderbolt 3のGPUボックスを接続すると、WIN Maxの最大のメリットである可搬性に制限が生じる。手に持ってプレイしたい場合は、2m前後のアクティブタイプのThunderbolt 3ケーブルを用意したほうが得策だろうHowever, if you want to re -use the already surplus GPUs with Win Max, or dare to connect the keyboard or mouse to Win Max separately, and sit down on a chair and enjoy a PC game on a large screen.There is plenty of room to consider Thunderbolt 3 GPU boxes.At least at this time, the GPU box of Thunderbolt 3 is not a product that will be eliminated immediately.
The external GPU by Thunderbolt 3 on the notebook PC is a romantic area, but it can be said that the combination with the 8 -inch Win Max is exactly the romance.